Tuesday, May 06, 2008

We may...

We may..., originally uploaded by iamaprice(Amanda).

reconsider our plan to let her hold the new baby when he comes. ;)
*No geraniums were harmed during the making of this photograph.*

Addie is cutting eyeteeth and is consequently not sleeping well so rather than frustrating myself trying in vain to sleep, here I sit.

Last week was one of those forever kind of weeks. The kind that feel more like a month. I had an ultrasound on Thursday to check out a few concerns that the ultrasound tech raised during my 28 week US. It was confirmed that the baby is indeed a boy, my amniotic fluid levels are fine, his head is fine, and he does have bilateral clubfeet (that means in both feet). Shortly after I laid down on the table and we got underway, the tech got really quiet and we could tell that something about the baby's heart was troubling her. She couldn't see enough of the area surrounding his heart to be able to tell whether or not there is truly a defect, so on Wednesday, we're going to travel to see a Dr. that specializes in congenital heart defects so he can perform an echo (ECG).

Naturally, after all of this I had a few days of looking around at the mounting waves; fear choking me with every rising "What-if?", but I am at peace now. The Lord is my strength. He is my son's strength too. He will heal him if that is what is best, and if not, He will guide us through this. I believe He already is in regards to the clubfeet.

As some of you know, I was born with a clubfoot, my right one. It's at least a full size smaller than the other one, has a malformed heel, and a 7 or 8 inch scar along the inside of the heel and up my ankle from the surgery I had when I was six months old. It has caused me pain throughout my life if I over-used it, but for the most part it's been fine and I'm thankful for the sacrifices my parents made to have it corrected.
Now to how the Lord is working. Since Thursday I've spent every moment I could spare to read about clubfoot and different corrections for it. I stumbled upon the website of a mom of three boys who all had clubfeet and poured over her information and links. Apparently, there's a method that is 95% + successful at correcting feet non-surgically and a doctor who's experienced in the protocol, called 'The Ponseti Method', practices three hours from here! I emailed him this evening to see if he would be willing to take us on and he replied promptly that it would be no problem and to call him on his cell if we have any questions. Is God not kind?

In light of all of these things, Josh and I have decided to celebrate Joshy's birthday early this year. It's not for another month but life is going to get crazy and we don't want Joshy to feel the rub. It won't be a big to-do (it never is), but we'll try to make it special anyway.

Addie has settled now so it's off to bed for me. If you think of us, please uphold us in prayer.


  1. Amanda; We will certainly be in prayer for you, your family and you soon to be.... May the Lord bless and keep you close to Him
    Love to all

  2. Praise God for direction! If surgery is avoidable that would be great! We're praying for your meeting tomorrow.

    love you! maybe knitting pics today. check out the jamie ones on my blog! hi to the kids for me.

  3. We celebrated Adalia's fourth birthday two weeks late because I was due to have my fourth baby two days before her birthday. At that age they don't know the difference, and I didn't have to worry about cancelling a birthday party last minute.

    We will be praying for you and your little one.

    Your cousin-in-law, Renee

  4. Hey Manda, that's great news about the doctor! We've been praying for you guys, and the baby. God shall indeed work it out.

    Love you guys lots. :)


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