Friday, June 06, 2008

Somebody wonderful is 5 today.

I've been trying to get these files open for hours. Urgh. Stupid laptop.

I can't believe I am the mother of a FIVE year old. My tiny little 6lb 8oz baby now stands tall and strong, ready to wrestle at a moment's notice. He is getting tougher, he'll tell you this, but he's still soft-hearted when it comes to seeing or hearing of others' suffering . He's nearly done his reading book. He had a difficult time for awhile after we moved and I had to break the lessons up to help him get through them without becoming discouraged, but now he's breezing through them again. He delights us every day with his funny thoughts on life. A few days ago I was nursing the baby and made a comment to my husband Josh that I had half-drowned the poor little guy with my powerful let-down reflex. Joshy misheard me and stated with a chuckle, "Ya, Mom! You sure do have BIG powerful legs! heeheehee Ya, I bet you could KILL me with just one kick!" Just what every woman longs to hear after just having a baby. ;)

I hope great things for this young man. I'm so thankful to call him my own. My son.


  1. Ok, technically he was five yesterday. It took me too long to get this posted.

  2. aww. this makes me tear up.

    i am so glad that we have joshy too. such a godly young man.

    please tell him that i called and expect it to be returned!

  3. Ha ha ha! Oh, that made me laugh. My kids have said their share of things about me that make me feel like ape-woman. Fortunately we don't usually take it personally.

    One of my boys is going to be 5 later this month. What fun! I won't tell you what HE said about me yesterday. Uggg.

  4. Awesome Cake....who made it?

    Joshua Grant looks like he will be very tall like his Daddy and the Warren side of the family's men were all around the 6 foot mark...
    cute his comment about your legs...he, he... I don't remember any such comments coming from you girls...just about folks that were visiting...

    I'm glad to read that he is starting to settle in to his surroundings, not every boy at just 5 years of age can read so well...

    I am sending off many of the horses you know tomorrow... I hope their new homes will be good ones.

    Happy Late Birthday Joshua Grant,


    gramma schumacher


  5. Happy birthday Joshy! 5 years old? My how times flies! That cake is really great I know Matt and Gabe would love it as well.


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