Saturday, June 28, 2008

Prison Rations

Prison Rations, originally uploaded by iamaprice(Amanda).

My son spends a copious amount of time hunting for frogs. He puts his captives in a large flower pot so he can "take care" of them for the remainder of the day (he has to let them go at bedtime).

I saw Addie, Emmy, and Joshy all leaning over the prison with much interest, so I snuck up behind them to see what the fuss was about.

Joshy: "C'mon now, fella, eat up your dinner. I found you this delicious worm for you to snack on. You don't want it? You don't care for worms? Well they're good for you! Just take THREE bites."

1 comment:

  1. Aaahahaha!!!!!:P Too funny! I remember catching frogs at the lake I used to go to Bible camp at, and building them sand castles to live in. I just had to keep them away from the boys, because they would take them all away and perform unspeakable experiments on them x-( Ah, memories...


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