Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Because I have that dreadful photographer's disease...

wherein, I can never take just one. ;)


  1. your pictures are better and better all the time. :)

  2. very nice! ok, so when can we see some shots of the new baby?? self portraits please!

  3. Hey Manda!!
    I've been trying to get in touch with you...I know you must be busy, but just wanted to check u on you. Has your newest arrived?
    None of the phone #'s I have work for y'all anymore. Could you e-mail them to me?
    Thanks! Love you tons and tons!!


  4. Thanks, you guys.

    Rachel, the baby isn't due until May. Tam just meant pregnant belly pictures.

    Tam, I don't know if I have the energy for that. ;)


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