Friday, February 29, 2008
What I should have been doing instead of racing the self timer and then trying to act natural. haha
One of these years, I'm getting a remote.
29 1/2 weeks and looking very much like my mom.
A little bit of wonderful
There are too many things I could say about her. She's such a sweet, affectionate, thoughtful girl. Most of her fights with Joshy are over who is going to help me do whatever it is I asked only one of them to do. :)
She's quite the talker too, but sometimes she has so much to say that she can't. Quite. Spit it out.
She says, " Um, um, um, um,, um, um. UM, um, um, um...I, I, wiw grow up (blink, blink) and get ma-weed to a man who wuvs da Ward, and den I, um, um, (blink, blink) have SO many babies! Ya, dey awe cute. Cute widd-o toes."
She says, "Fwank-you for the wicious bweak-fast, Mom!"
She says, "Pwease 'give me foe disapwining you, Momma" when she's disobeyed.
She loves Psalm 23 aka. "Shepood" and her new fav, Psalm 3, which she happily belts out with much off-key emphasis.
She prays like this: "Deew Ward ow God, pwease keep my daddy so safe when he, he, he, comes home fwom wowk tonight. Deew Ward ow God, pwease howp the deews not to jump out, out, out in fwont of his caw because if dey do, I wiw have to get out my gween gun and shoot dem. Deew Ward ow God, pwease howp me not to use too much toiwet papoo when I wipe, because I can wipe now when I'm fwee, because my mom said I could. Deew Ward ow God..."
She is my punkins. I love her.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
29 weeks and counting
Well I tried. Not very hard obviously. haha I was too lazy to get my tripod out, so I used a stack of pillows and the self-timer as per usual. I wanted to do this earlier in the day before my hair was trashed, but I couldn't squeeze it in, so it's the wiped out, "just been drug through a hedge look" again.
Addie insisted on joining me, which always makes things more exciting, but I like the result better for having one of my kids with me.
Three Years
This is my daughter. Isn't she beautiful? haha Anne made the purse she's wearing for her birthday. It also doubles as a baby carrier for her "usic bear".
I was going to do a birthday post for her this morning, but the kids are up.
"Go! Go!"
When she sees the other two suiting up, she stands at the gate and proclaims loudly that she would like to go too. She loves the idea of being outside with her brother and sister, just not so much the reality of it. She's always back inside within 5 or 6 minutes.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Yes. It's early. Or late. I have the worst indigestion. So I'm up. Editing the last of these photos. Typing in short sentences.
Isn't she beautiful?
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Little A was quite enamoured with her new baby sister. It was so sweet...and scary. haha Toddlers have to be watched so closely.
I'm almost done editing this session. I know. I keep saying that. It's true! It seems like it's taking forever, but it can't be helped. Addie has been quite out of sorts with this mysterious sickness/rash thing, and consequently isn't sleeping well during the time I have to work. I'm going to take her to see her Dr. as soon as I can get in. Thankfully, her fever is gone, but if it goes up again, I might take her to the on-call clinic. Anything is better than the ER.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Peek-a-boo, Daddy
Family photos are so challenging for me. Getting people to relax and show real expression is tough. Thankfully, little A provided some comic relief with her antics.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Momma's girls
I'm almost done editing this session. I had to take a couple of nights off due to Addie's and my sickness. Blah.
The house inspection is early tomorrow. Please pray that everything checks out ok. If it does, we'll likely be moving the second weekend in March. I'm *so* looking forward to finding a new midwife/OB and hospital to have this baby in. I love change so much, you know. ;) It'll be fine. It'll be fine. The little stinker is still breech at 28 1/2 weeks. Get turning, kiddo!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Thought her parents might like a vintagey one.
I believe this little chair belonged to this wee one's great grandmother.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Beary Precious II
Her parents requested that I do this shot again. I'll have to find the one of her sister on the same chair, with the same bear.
Here it is! Look in the July 2006 archives if you want to see more.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
I want to remember this:
You sow a deed, you reap a habit.
You sow a habit, you reap a character.”
I found it in my blog wanderings tonight. I'm not sure where it originated.
I haven't done five things for awhile. Sometimes it's due to a lack of time. Sometimes it's because you don't want to know what's going on in this head of mine. Sometimes it's because I feel that it's not worth the effort to try to come up with five things that won't hurt, offend, cause suspicion, or otherwise get me into trouble with any number of people. :> Sometimes it's pride; the fear that you all will be confirmed in your opinion that I am in fact a mindless ignoramous.
Regardless, I am in the mood to be open, so here are five very dull, very random things:
1. I miss you all. You know who you are. You who love me enough to keep visiting here to check my pulse. I think of you and pray for you often. Wherever God takes us, I will always be thankful that He brought you into my life.
2. My kids are so beautiful and kind to me. I've been getting that familiar bone-tiredness that knocks the wind out of me after I eat a meal. It has begun around the 26th or 27th week of each of my pregnancies. Today, I had to lie down after breakfast and I konked out immediately. Joshy noticed, and I soon felt him lift my head to put a pillow under it and the warmth of his favourite fuzzy blanket (the white polar bear one you sent down, Mom) on my cold feet. Then he leaned over me, kissed my forehead and whispered, "There now, sweetie. I will take good care of you." Or this morning when I stumbled and rammed my ankle bone on the metal frame of the trundle bed that the girls share, Emmy immediately came, sat at my feet, tenderly stroked my aching leg, and sang "Da Waaard's my sheeeepherd..." until the throbbing stopped. They are such blessings. I pray that God will let me keep them for a long time.
3. I have indigestion.
Did I not say random? haha Yes. Indigestion, and not a drop of milk to be found. That is why I'm still vertical at this hour.
4. This music feeds my soul. My kids love it too. The songs have occasioned many a discussion and learning time, especially for Joshy who listens intently to the lyrics and wants to know who the song is about and where he can find it in his bible. I love music and I want my kids to grow up with an appreciation for it. Time and memory, those quickly slipping things, are precious resources not to be squandered. Thankful I am that there are musicians out there using their God-given gifts to produce something edifying.
5. I know I had a five when I sat down here a half hour ago. It seems, however, to have been smothered by tiredness. Oh well.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Ugh. Just five more minutes.
I vaguely remember a time when I could sleep until I was refreshed. I wish I were in as much of a hurry to live as my kids are.
Coffee, where are you?
Excuse me, Mr. and Mrs. K...
May I please have your windows?
Thou shalt not covet, thou shalt not covet.
Friday, February 15, 2008
My fav from today
I'm still editing this session. I will be for a few more days yet because time is scarce and I. am. slow. And finicky.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Still working on these...
...and I probably will be at least until the end of the week. I hate to drag things out, but my kids come first so I only edit when they're resting. Life works better that way.
I have good news about the house. It's under contract as of this afternoon, so if the Lord makes the way smooth, we should be out of here by the end of March. I'm not looking forward to moving and all that it entails, but I'm so happy not to have any more showings. They're so disruptive.
Little Anne in Mama's hands
What a sweetie. I can't wait to have mine! Wait. Yes. Yes, I can. Stay in there kid!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Giddy-up Horsey
I might have to go vintage with this one.
The little cowgirl is big sister to the nb from yesterday. I did her newborn photos as well. It was so good to see her again. She's grown into such a sweet, beautiful little girlie.
Monday, February 11, 2008
I love babies
I can't resist!
I had the treat of photographing this gorgeous little girl today. She was a light sleeper so I didn't get some of the shots I wanted, but who cares? It's pretty hard to go wrong with such a doll baby. I wanted to tuck her in my pocket and take her home with me.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Blog Archive
- Just we
- Reading
- Wow, that sure was a good book.
- Hmmm...
- A little bit of wonderful
- liftoff
- At your most beautiful...
- 29 weeks and counting
- Three Years
- "Go! Go!"
- Because I have that dreadful photographer's diseas...
- Naptime
- .flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }.flick...
- "Concentrate. Con..cen..tra -- woah, where'd she go?"
- Momma Love
- Awake
- .flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }.flick...
- Baby on a bearskin rug
- Peek-a-boo, Daddy
- Encore
- Momma's girls
- Thought her parents might like a vintagey one.
- Beary Precious II
- I want to remember this:
- Rock-a-bye, Baby
- Ugh. Just five more minutes.
- Excuse me, Mr. and Mrs. K...
- Same little one
- .flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }.flick...
- Cuddles
- Three
- If this doesn't melt you...
- My fav from today
- Had to do this again.
- Still working on these...
- Little Anne in Mama's hands
- Howdy
- .flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }.flick...
- Devoted Dad
- Giddy-up Horsey
- Fireside
- crisscross
- .flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }.flick...
- .flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }.flick...
- I love babies
- He cracks himself up
- Toothy Grin
- Lego? What lego?