Monday, November 12, 2007


Reeeeeaach, originally uploaded by iamaprice(Amanda).

This is from two months ago already. I've been so busy, I've barely had a chance to pull my camera out.

I did have the honour of photographing E and H's twins last week. You can see them on E's blog when he puts them up. I struggled with the dim lighting and they were wide awake most of the time so I didn't get to try as many things as I wanted, but I'm learning to roll with it and I couldn't have asked for more adorable subjects.

Sorry for the sad lack of updates. Life is too full and too unsettled right now. I'd give details, but it's complicated.

The pregnancy is going well. Thank the Lord, the all day sickness is starting to ease up. It's never fun having to face the reality that my clothes are getting too snug, but it's a good trade-off for the blahs.


  1. Beautiful eyes! What was she reaching for?

  2. Oh man, I know about clothes feeling snug and wanting to stay in my normal jeans til 5 months. HAHAHAHAHA......oh dear. But yes that's a lot better than feeling sick.......;) It's nice to see some posts, gal!!!!!! LOVE the recent pics!!!!! It IS so hard to get on and update and keep in touch. sheesh...... I know things are unsettled and hope that the Lord will always be your stability and peace. Can't wait to see you, Josh, and the kiddies. Who knows where I'll stay......hahaha, but I'm going to DV come with ALL seven in August.;) LOVE YOU GUYS TONSIES!!!!!

  3. Ah nuts! Have to have a password for Ed's site :( I don't suppose you could post any on here? :P


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