Saturday, August 04, 2007

He's no Rolling Stone

Turtley, originally uploaded by iamaprice(Amanda).

So, I went shopping with 2 of my sisters yesterday. Fashion and trends are so whatever to me. I don't keep up. It is nice to have something new and pretty to wear though. New clothing inspires me to brush my hair and skip. I guess those are good things. :)

Anyway, as we were heading out, Tammy spotted this guy scrambling down the road. Joshy and Emmy were already gone and I wanted them to see him, so I captured him and put him in the tub for the afternoon. The kids and I are going to try to figure out what kind he is this afternoon. I've never seen claws like that on a turtle before. At first I thought he must have been under a mower because it looked like he had wet grass crud all over his shell, but when I tried to wash it off I discovered that it was actually moss which was firmly attached to his shell. He wasn't aggressive, but he was very wild and hissed and scratched at me when I picked him up.

This morning, I put him into a bin, loaded the kids in the stroller, and headed to the creek to let him go. When we were almost there, he climbed out of the bin into the bottom of the stroller and then climbed out of there, so we thought we'd lost him but he was just taking a shortcut to the water.

I spotted him on the rocks a few minutes later and then he hustled to the water and dove in. He sure was a good little swimmer! Joshy was fascinated by how quickly he could move around.


  1. Totally KEWL! your turtle exprence, love the colors the Lord gave him/her....nice for your kiddlets to see such a critter.

    glad your shopping went so well, please be sure to get a picture for us to all see it too.

    Grandma Soles was so sad today, please pray that the Lord will send to her encouragement during this stage of her life.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. that photo of the turtle is amazing! such beauty you caught!

  4. Renee, he didn't have the red ear patch though and his shell was much flatter and more smooth than the yellow-eared sliders. He could be a painted turtle. He looks like one, only he didn't have the intricate detail on his tum. It does look like quite a bit of colour was rubbed off as he scooted along on the road though, so it's a possibility.


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