Saturday, August 11, 2007


Raaaaarrrrgh, originally uploaded by iamaprice(Amanda).

1.We hiked up a huge hill today. The view was nice, but the plants were mostly thorns and scratchy vines so we didn't stay long. Joshy got tired of walking and made Emmy squish over so I could push another 50lbs up the hill. Chivalry is dead.

2. Happy Birthday, Dor! I hope you have a happy fun day! Try not to strain your broken finger. Oiy.

3. It's crunch time for the house Josh is working on, so we aren't seeing as much of him these days. Hopefully they can get everything done in the next two weeks so life can go back to "normal" for a little while.

4. I am lonely and restless today.

5. And tired. Must go to bed instead of getting online. Sleep is good. 5am isn't a friendly hour. Why must it come so early?

6. I was just reminded that it's John's birthday too, so Happy Birthday to you as well, John!

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