Tuesday, July 25, 2006

When I arrived, I was *thrilled* to see that he still has his newborn flakes! They're one of those special little newborn things that are gone so quickly as they rapidly grow and change. I can picture him a little older in this shot. Perhaps because the shadow on his forehead gives the illusion of more hair? Posted by Picasa


  1. Very sweet baby. Nice shots!!

  2. Yep thats my baby boy Again thanks so much Amanda. You have great photo tastes It was great talking to you about cameras as well.

  3. Oh, Amanda, I'm going to die!!!! He is like the most cutest adorablest sweetest babyest everest to grace the planet!!! This is definitely my favorite pic out of the bunch. Ooooooh.... I love him!! :D

  4. It was a treat to finally come out there, Darren, and Deeder couldn't have been more well behaved.


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