Thursday, April 03, 2008

It's too early to be blogging...

but I can't sleep. That's what I get for going to bed at 8:30.

My visit with the midwife was positive. She said I'm a good candidate for a VBAC. :D I'll be going to the birthing center in two weeks for my next check-up. I could have it here, but I want to time the trip and make sure I know where to go on the big day. My due date is May 26. That's my final answer. ;)

The midwife said that the baby is head down which is what I had figured. Kicks in the ribs are just good things. I have come to appreciate and welcome them. Now he just needs to do the hokey-pokey and turn himself around so he won't be sunny side up.

I still haven't taken any more photos. I was going to yesterday, but it was not a good day. I woke up feeling headachey and sick to my stomach, Joshy and Emmy didn't go to sleep at rest time, two Beagles joined the household (imagine the mayhem if you can), and then it took me a year to make fajitas and chocolate chip cookies. I'm making the tortillas a day ahead next time. That was crazy.

Almost as crazy as blogging this early in the morning. Oiy. I'm going back to bed.


  1. aww mand!

    thanks for the good news about your sons position, hopefully he doesnt do another flip!

  2. Hurray! He flipped. ;) Good girl -- always look at the bright side! Rib kicking is much more pleasant than rib muscle tearing!! haha That feels like someone putting a lighter on your stomach.

    I hope that you make it to the birthing center for delivery too!! Your deliveries go so fast.

    Love ya,

  3. So glad to hear you have the opportunity to deliver in a birthing center, and glad to hear that baby has turned. I didn't know you were having a boy. I bet Joshie is SO happy!
    Got your email with the new phone number. I'll pass it on to Rachel. Now I know why see keeps asking if we have gotten any emails. :)
    I am feeling empty nest syndrome setting in - and still with 9 at home. I can see now that I will have to find SOMETHING to occupy my time 100 years from now when they are all gone. LOL
    They grow up so fast!

  4. Yay! That's awesome news Manda, thanks for sharing. :)

  5. Wonderful, Gal!!!!! Good boy!!! I'm so relieved to hear that!! The girls will be glad, too. They are always praying for you and the baby!!!! Just about two weeks here, but I'm thinking earlier......??? Unless all this pressure down and around below is just normal after having a few kiddies. Man, I'm totally waddling and I have to sit while I chop up stuff for dinner and sit for everything b/c the pressure is so great at times. WOWSERS!!!!! But hey, if some of the work and thinning is done before, I welcome it!!! LOts of hiccups here. Many over there? LOVE YA TONSIES!!!!!

  6. Thank-you all for visiting and commenting! Sorry I'm so slow to respond. Our laptop died of dust inhalation a few days ago and Josh couldn't get to cleaning it out until late last night.

    Tam, so far so good. He's been turning from side to side for the last couple of days, but no major flips.

    Kathryn, I can't imagine muscle tearing! Ugh. I suppose it was bound to happen since your girls were both a good size. I wonder if Hannah experienced anything like that.

    DeeDee, yes, Joshy is delighted. Let's hope the UStech was right or he's going to be one disappointed kiddo.

    I would imagine you feel like you're about to lose your right arm down there. Hopefully it will be a good growing time for the younger ones who'll have to step into Rachel's shoes a bit more.

    Kris, I hope you do go early for your sake! This guy hiccups more than all three of my other kids put together.


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