Friday, April 11, 2008

I'm waiting for Josh...

to finish caulking the countertop so we can go out. Just the two of us. *sigh* We usually go to WalMart or some other humdrum-why-did-I-come-here place, but today, today he's taking me somewhere special. That's right.

Home Depot.

I know. It's hard not to be envious.

I leave you with a small portion of Psalm 100 as sung by Emmy.

"Awww peep-o dat on dirt do weeeelll..."
We were in the middle of Psalm 23 the other night when Joshy interrupted:

Joshy: "Excuse me, Dad?"

Daddy: "What is it?"

Joshy: "What's a sflocky?"

Daddy: "A sflocky?"

Joshy: "Ya. We are he sflocky doth us feeeeed..."


  1. I wish I could go to home depot to..and just walk around, looking at all the handy/useless things. Great fun. :)

  2. Hmmm, I hate to tell you, but it doesn't get much better than that. LOL Clay and I get MAYBE one date a year - we combine anniversary, and both birthdays into a dinner out. And I think our cruise was the last time we were away together without kids overnight. I keep thinking maybe I can pull off another one, but I'll have to work really hard after Rachel leaves if I manage it. We're supposed to be using the timeshare to go to a "dude ranch" in Orlando (that has golf and fishing too.) The kids are excited.
    I'd love to chat and catch up. Call me sometime?!?


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