Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Just so we're clear

There has been speculation that I made my blog private due to a wish to safeguard myself from the charge of familiar fellowship. That was not the case at all and I don't wish anyone to think that's the reason, so if you hear that rumor ( or if you started or passed it on yourself), please offer correction. I don't believe that viewing one another's blogs is the same as familiar fellowship.

There are a few reasons that I've gone underground, a couple of which are:

1. I'm going to, Lord willing, be taking on photography clients in the near future and I would rather that they not have free access to this blog.

2. I'd like to feel free to post underexposed, badly lit, out of focus snapshots if I want to without the worry that it will reflect badly on my "work". Believe it or not, good photography takes a few brain cells and sometimes I'd just like to let myself go and shoot for the love of say a delightfully messy face looking up at me in *gasp* fluorescent light.

To those of you who have recently split off from the church, I love each of you dearly and I'm grieved so much that there is a divide between us. I know you understand that I cannot keep you close to me in the old comfortable way, though I wish I could. To "agree to disagree" and chit chat away as if nothing has happened would be a dishonour to the Lord who is the God of all truth. Having said that, if you'd like to talk with me about the issues that are between us, please email me rather than posting your thoughts here. This blog is my way to give little updates to loved ones, not a platform for a potentially heated debate. If you cannot respect that, I will have to remove you from the list.

Lastly, I know this privacy thing came without warning. I updated to the new blogger and the option was there so I took it, not thinking about what a can of worms I might open. I don't have very many current email addresses and I really can't take the time to track every possible lurker down, so please spread the word that previous visitors may email me and request an invitation.


P.S. A quick word about privacy. Please exercise integrity and refrain from quoting me in whole or in part anywhere online; not even in a private email exchange, and always ask before you take a photo.

1 comment:

  1. Yay, I got in! Gitsy google..I tell ya. :D

    I figured the change was photog related personally, but it's good to make it clear. :)

    Toodle pip, dahling.



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