Friday, July 17, 2009

Before I forget

I have to write down more of their little sayings. I always think that I'll remember, but they escape me so quickly in the busyness of life.

Emmy: "Momma?"

Me: "Yes, sweetie."

Emmy: (whispers) "May I just pray for you for a little bit?"

Me: Sure!"

Emmy: "Dear Father, please help my Mommy to get better and strong? In Jesus name, Amen.

Now you just rest. I'll take care of everything for you."

I was in bed for the first couple of days after getting home from the hospital. The kids had strict orders from Daddy to let me sleep. Being separated from me is hardest on Addie. She's always been a cuddler and I think her world isn't quite right when she can't snuggle up to me at any given moment of the day and tell me she loves me. One morning she quietly knocked on my bedroom door and asked:

"Momma? May I please come in and visit you?"

"Sure, how's my little two-toots?"

"I'm fine, Chowcha Momma. Are you all better? I will read to you."

She got Josh's bible off of the shelf and scrambled up onto the bed and proceeded to "read" Exodus 20: 1:17.

"Ahem. And God spake ALL these words sayeen: I an the Lowd thy God which haf brought thee out of the land of Ebjit; outta the HOUSE of bomb-dage..."

Later on that day after hearing me talk to one of my sisters about the miscarriage she asked me:

"Momma? You have some blood cloffs (cloths)? I will wash dem for you."

Joshy: "Mom, I like it when you're sick. Well, only for one reason. You need me to help you lift all of the heavy things and work more."

Me: "Aha. Taking notes, my son ;)"


I really try to be a submissive wife but I think I need to work on always using a respectful and meek tone when talking to Josh.

Emmy in prayer at breakfast a few weeks ago:

"Our Lord, we thank thee for this food. Please use it for nourish our bodies. Please help me not to be bossy to Addie today and Lord, please help my mommy not to be bossy to Daddy."

Me: *humiliation galore*

Joshy: Ha! Did you see that guy opening the door of his car through the window? That's sooo 80's.

Me: "Come again? What makes that "80's?"

Joshy: "Well, way back then I don't think they had invented a door latch for the inside of the car yet, so that's why they had to reach through the window to open the door and get out."

Addie's has developed a fascination for all things pink this year. One day she said to me:

"Momma, I just love Jesus!"

"Oh! That's wonderful, sweetie."

"Ya, he's so pink to me!"

Addie: " Can somebody please open the scream door for me?!"


Addie, giving my arm a squeeze at the dinner table: "Ooo! I just LOVE you my hairy, little Momma!"


I had more but I can't think of them at the moment.

By way of update, I'm feeling much stronger. I can walk around slowly all by myself without even holding onto walls! Wooo! I also was able to get back to making business calls today. It does me good to do the things I'm capable of. Don't worry though, you worriers, I'm still taking it pretty easy and getting lots of rest.

I leave you with another snapshot(he's had a haircut since)of Walnut making "the face". When he doesn't like something but can't summon enough emotion to actually produce tears, he gives the offender this face accompanied with the most pathetic imitation of a real cry:

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