Friday, December 15, 2006

My own cowpoke wearing the hat my mom gave me when I was 15. Some days he's a REAL cowboy and makes it a point to inform me that he will be sleeping with his eyes open at rest time because that's what REAL cowboys do.


  1. Haha, perhaps it's related to how Mom can sleep while drive with her eyes open.. I think the root cause isn't being a cowboy, but not getting enough sleep in general. Maybe that's a cowboy thing after all. At any rate, Joshy sure looks the part of a cowboy. ;D

  2. Actually, the root cause is just not wanting to go to sleep. He tried every other trick in the book without much success, so he's getting creative. :D

  3. Clever boy, I actually think your request for your 16th birthday was to have the hat and boots...least I thought it was that event..

    Joshy G sure does look like he is growing, going to be a tall one...

    He sure does look handsome in the old grey...

    I hope you'll let me know when your little girl is on her way.





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