Friday, September 16, 2005

Sir Joshy - Tuesday night is quilting night in my house. Envision if you will beautiful classical music playing in the background and we ladies sitting in circle looking very composed and beautiful in our soft, feminine attire which we obtained from our great great great grandmothers. There are cookies and tea accompanied by delightful conversation and banter as we diligently do our work. Hmm. Lovely, lovely, lovely. Now for reality. Picture a few tired ladies, their machines, quilts, fabrics, an ironing board, cutting mat, sewing boxes, etc. crammed into my house. Now add a carseat, diaper bag, and other baby paraphernalia, a sweet but sometimes cranky baby and a toddler for my son to lord over. Yes, he is an unbelievable tyrant. My night goes something like this: Welcome. Welcome. Break up fight. Get more toys out. Break up fight. Bring out the TV and put on a creation video. Break up fight. Take pictures. Take pictures. Capture fight sequence. Break up fight. Have a talk with Joshy. Wailing and gnashing of teeth (and that's just me). "Please foe-div me foe bee-een sow-fish, Mashew." Hug. ***Cut first square.*** Run to see who's leg has just been severed from their body. Ice small cut on Joshy's head. Rescue Emmy who thinks that the sky is falling because Momma didn't come pick her up the second she made a squeak. Feed Emmy. Make snacks. Clean up mess. ***Cut second square!*** Break up fight. Say goodnight to Kathryn, Matthew, and little Gabe. Put Joshy to bed. Put Emmy in her swing. Say goodnight to Tam and Hannah. Cut third square. Blog. Crash in exhaustion. So why do it? Because it's fun and they are a great bunch of girls. My husband usually has the vehicle, so it's difficult for me to get out. It's so nice of them to take pity on me and come over here. Some things are worth a good dose of frustration. :) Posted by Picasa


  1. Sounds typical for any house toddlers in it. LOL! By the time you get that quilt done you will have your kids in college. LOL! I started a quilt never got past the cutting stage,,,Enough I said. Good luck at least you keep trying.

  2. haha, I'm beginning to think that you're right!


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