Thursday, September 22, 2005

Hello lurkers

Here I am again. I haven't felt much like taking pictures or blogging lately due somewhat to discouragement but mostly to exhaustion. Sickness has visited our home and I am thankful for the reminder that our health is nothing to take for granted. Joshy was the first to come down with it and I spent two sleepless nights trying to comfort and soothe him as he tossed, turned, wailed, coughed, and wrestled with his " nose wunning". *tip* If you don't have Vic's Vapo-rub, peppermint oil on a warm washcloth work as a good substitute. He would sleep peacefully for a couple of hours after each change of cloth. During the day he was his normal active self but would fall apart if say, one of his cars wasn't quite in line at his "Wa-Mart parteen lot", or his nose began to run. And if he should absent-mindedly get snot on hands: "Somebody call the authorities. The sky. Has. Fallen." After a few hours of having to wipe his nose about every minute (no exaggeration), I finally grabbed a clue and gave him one of Emmy's soft receiving blankets to use.
Well, now Joshy is on the mend but I've come down with the worst sore throat and stuffed up head I've had since I was 14 and got strepthroat. Thankfully, I have a good amount of energy during the day so I can still be useful, but I would be drowning if it weren't for somebody special, so I want to dedicate this rare talky-talk entry to my best friend.
My best friend is thoughtful, kind, and patient. I love that my best friend teaches me what being a servant is by example not hypocritical harping. My best friend after getting only 4 hours of sleep, comes to my rescue and babysits so *I* can rest. My best friend spent today washing, drying, and folding over a week's worth of laundry and then did the grocery shopping, taking Joshy along so I could spend the day doing my daily tasks in a quiet atmosphere. My best friend always takes time to visit, instruct, and play with my kids, even when there are "more important" things to be done. My best friend loves the Lord and it shows in all of the ways that he sacrifices for me and our family cheerfully and without complaint. My best friend is of course, my husband Josh. If you're reading this, I love you!


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