Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Silly Things

Addie(5), heard racing through the yard: "991! 991! This is an URGENCY! Someone is hurt!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This afternoon Joshua and Emmy took it upon themselves to deep clean both of the upstairs bathrooms. One of them had been used for washing paintbrushes and the like and it was quite a horrendous mess. At one point I overheard them exclaiming at something: Emmy(7): "Joshy, look! It's coming right off!" Joshua(9),in his most know-it-allesque tone: "Of course it is. It's powerful. I'll call it 'Warrior59'" I'd give you the recipe for this wonderful stuff but he has plans to mass produce and market it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Walter (4): "I BLASTED OFF! That means that I fell off the floor." Lizzie (2): "No, Doll-toe (Walter)." And then a fight broke out and the cuteness was gone. All gone.

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