Thursday, June 30, 2011


Me: "Hello, my boy."

Walter: "I not a boy dis mornin. I'n a lellow baby fox!"


Walter, on a dead run for the potty: "I haf go bad-wee!" Halfway down the hall he tooted, came to a standstill and said, "Oh. I don't haf go bad-wee now. My bum changed my mind."

Walter likes to compose songs. His three latest hits have been:

1. 'Dog in the Way'

"I don' know why I an sayeen diss.
I don' hab a weason.
Dooooog in a waaaaaaay!
Doooooog in a waaaaaaaay!"

2. 'Best Dog'

"You da best dog on my gaaawwbage twuck..."

3. 'On the Sidewalk'

"It is so bad to peeeee on da sidewalk.
You should nebber do diss, even if it's fun."


Me: "Kids, have any of you seen Walter? Walter? Walter! Where are you?"
Walter(from under my bed): "hehehe! I an hiking (hiding) under you bed, Mom! Shhh."

Addie (4): "Oh Lizzie, you are such a charmer."

Addie: "Auntie Jenni, why do you have two earrings in your ears?

Jen: "Oh, it's just what girls do sometimes."

Addie: "That's what I'M gonna do when I get big!"

In reference to our meat chickens:

Emmy(6): "Aww, the poor birds. We'll have to butcher them soon.

Addie: "LOOK at ALL that MEAT just walkin' around!"

Josh(8): "I think weed-whacking might be helping me, Mom. See? Last night I could put my fingers all the way around my muscle, and now my fingertips don't even touch."

I won't be trusting a testimonial from him any time soon. :)

1 comment:

  1. Too cute! I wish I wrote down all the funny things my kids do. Put them all together to make a good book.


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