Friday, March 06, 2009

...and then straight into his mouth

It's hazardous taking this kid outside.

I had a bad morning. You know. One of those bad attitude kind of days. The Lord in His gentle way used several things to turn me around, humble me, and point me to His abundant kindness. So tonight, in an effort to count my blessings, I've made a list of 10 reasons I love Idaho.

1. There is a midwife here. A real come-to-your-home-with-a-liquid-epidural, VBAC's-are-wonderful one. :) No, I'm not pregnant.

2. You can do U-turns! Imagine that if you can, New Yorkers.

3. There are people in this town who have horses and chickens right in their back yards. Because they can. That's Idaho's definition of "animal rights".

4. You can live in a trailer without shame here. In fact, if you've got a 1970 something jacked up "rig", even better.

5. I'm still close to a Dr. for Walter, who by the way, has graduated into his second pair of boots, who's wear has been reduced to 14-16 hours a day. Basically naps and night. Just in time too. He's starting to pull up on things and scooch along. I am blown away by God's mercy.

6. There are trees of every sort along the streets. I haven't discovered what they all are yet, but the kids have been collecting samples so we can look them up in our tree book. The one in the back yard is a Sycamore. I must get photos.

7. I'm closer to my family. I may not see much of them, but knowing they're just "up there" makes me feel so much better.

8. I like not being under a snowdrift right now. In fact, I saw flowers blooming last week. My kids can play outside without coats. You can imagine the work this saves me.

9. The people here are so friendly. There's a hospitality that you can feel even at the grocery store. Like they're so glad you came and would you like a bag for that, hon?

10. The bluffs. I have to post photos of them. They look like they're covered in velvet when the afternoon sun hits them. They make me want to paint.

I don't know why God has us here, but I'm looking forward to finding out. :)

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