Wednesday, August 27, 2008

3 months

3 months, originally uploaded by iamaprice(Amanda).

He's three months old today. We went to Dr. Cady for a check-up and got two thumbs up. It was our last visit with him and his wonderful assistant, Amy before we move west. I'm going to miss them.

I took this last week. sooc. No time for editing tonight. If you look back through the archives, you can see how far his feet have turned. They're actually over-corrected to give him maximum flexibility. You can't see it in this shot, but he has several folds of skin on the outside of each foot. It's leftover from being stretched over his little clubs and will eventually be grown into.

He's in shoes with a bar between them 23 hours a day to keep pressure on the ligaments and muscles so they won't turn back. He loves his little times of freedom, but he doesn't mind the brace nearly as much as the casts. It's great to be at this stage!

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