Tuesday, December 20, 2005

"Momma! Momma! My pwant's ow-side! Come see! My pwant's ow-side!" I rush to the door thinking that he somehow managed to get his snowpants and pants off and is now running around in a frostbitten fashion. He says, "Wook, Momma! I made diss PWANT!" So you see. Posted by Picasa


  1. Yuengling, America's Oldest Brewery... from Pottsville, PA! Now, how did a Canadian living in NY happen to have such a thing in the yard?

  2. It's one of those long story things. Josh likes beer. Josh also likes to recycle bottles and put the change in our son's piggy bank. Only thing is, this bottle along with 5 of it's buddies have been loitering under our table for months. Josh finally ushered them out yesterday to join our neighbour's collection of recyclables, where Joshy found it and converted it into the wonderful stick vase that you see. Now aren't you sorry you asked?


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