Friday, December 30, 2005

He didn't want to leave the park without sitting in the "wock chair" but by then he was getting "so code". Me too. At least our car didn't spin out on the icy road so we could enjoy a warm ride back to the house. Oh wait. Yes it did. We had to leave it there and walk home. Good thing the park is so close. :) Posted by Picasa


  1. How did you finally get out? Josh to the rescue?! :)

  2. Cars don't spin out on icey roads, people spin out on icey roads. :P

  3. Sadly, you are right J. :P Holly, we just hustled home and got Josh. He took threw some salt down and drove right out, so I didn't feel too badly - just stupid. Thanks for looking, Abigail! I miss you!


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