Thursday, May 05, 2005

Three year anniversary

Yup, that's right. Three years ago today, Josh and I got engaged. What a full day that was! We narrowly missed our 15 seconds of fame while we were at the mall shopping for rings. Whew! To make a long story short, after we had declined our chance to be front and center on a local TV show, we happened to pass by the make-shift studio again. To our great relief, we were *not* among the gyrating JLo lovers who were happily beebopping to the top ten countdown of that particular week. Imagine for a moment. Josh. haha Nuff said. :)

Honey, if you're reading this, thank-you for asking me to be your wife. I love you soooo much!


  1. Haha, funny. Kris and I were just saying today that it's hard to believe you and Josh have been married two and a half years already! :)

  2. Ya weird, huh? The time has gone by so quickly!


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