Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Em took this one...

Em took this one... by iamaprice(Amanda)
Em took this one..., a photo by iamaprice(Amanda) on Flickr.

...and this one

...and this one by iamaprice(Amanda)
...and this one, a photo by iamaprice(Amanda) on Flickr.

If I had SEVEN beautiful kids,...

Via Flickr:
...I would forget about the technical aspects of photography and just be thankful for enough room to back up to get them all into one frame! And, they're laughing to boot...expect for Knox, of course, who has more appreciation for lunch than sibling photos.

Thursday, December 05, 2013


Untitled by iamaprice(Amanda)
Untitled, a photo by iamaprice(Amanda) on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
What a treasure this little guy is to all of us! I never run out of willing baby-holders. I didn't think I would get to do a "session" with him; it's been too overcast and I've been rather wiped out.


Untitled by iamaprice(Amanda)
Untitled, a photo by iamaprice(Amanda) on Flickr.


Untitled by iamaprice(Amanda)
Untitled, a photo by iamaprice(Amanda) on Flickr.


Untitled by iamaprice(Amanda)
Untitled, a photo by iamaprice(Amanda) on Flickr.


Untitled by iamaprice(Amanda)
Untitled, a photo by iamaprice(Amanda) on Flickr.


Untitled by iamaprice(Amanda)
Untitled, a photo by iamaprice(Amanda) on Flickr.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Last night we were privileged to meet our precious son Knox Cameron. He weighed in at 7lbs10oz. I can't recall his length, but as he's not a fish, what does it matter? ;)


Untitled by iamaprice(Amanda)
Untitled, a photo by iamaprice(Amanda) on Flickr.


Untitled by iamaprice(Amanda)
Untitled, a photo by iamaprice(Amanda) on Flickr.


Untitled by iamaprice(Amanda)
Untitled, a photo by iamaprice(Amanda) on Flickr.


Untitled by iamaprice(Amanda)
Untitled, a photo by iamaprice(Amanda) on Flickr.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Nothing like a screaming toddler in your ear.

Almost 36 weeks.

Almost 36 weeks. by iamaprice(Amanda)
Almost 36 weeks., a photo by iamaprice(Amanda) on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
Yes, I am busy.

No, we're not in competition with the Duggars.

Yes, this baby is a welcome addition to our family. We love children!

Yes, I'm a Christian (Reformed Presbyterian), homeschooling, bus-driving nut. I also bake with wheat from time to time. Shhh!

My husband and I consider our kids to be just what they are: priceless gifts and treasures. Each of their lives is worth more to us than all of the material "necessities" we could afford without "another mouth to feed".

No, we don't know if we're having another son or daughter. Most of the kids think it's a girl.

Yes, I am busy. Did I say that already? I have the attention span of an - oh shoot. What was I saying?

Monday, October 28, 2013

Family Fall 2013

Family Fall 2013 by iamaprice(Amanda)
Family Fall 2013, a photo by iamaprice(Amanda) on Flickr.

Family Fall 2013

Family Fall 2013 by iamaprice(Amanda)
Family Fall 2013, a photo by iamaprice(Amanda) on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
And then we tried to get a family photo. Five minutes. Low light. Cold children. Good enough.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Friday, October 04, 2013

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Em and Ellie

Em and Ellie by iamaprice(Amanda)
Em and Ellie, a photo by iamaprice(Amanda) on Flickr.

Sick kids + indigestion + summer photos?

Posse of Six

Posse of Six by iamaprice(Amanda)
Posse of Six, a photo by iamaprice(Amanda) on Flickr.

Untitled by iamaprice(Amanda)
Untitled, a photo by iamaprice(Amanda) on Flickr.

Walter of many faces

Untitled by iamaprice(Amanda)
Untitled, a photo by iamaprice(Amanda) on Flickr.

Corn nuts

Untitled by iamaprice(Amanda)
Untitled, a photo by iamaprice(Amanda) on Flickr.

Untitled by iamaprice(Amanda)
Untitled, a photo by iamaprice(Amanda) on Flickr.

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