Monday, September 08, 2008

Wisconsin or bust

I never got the bust part. Does that mean we'll blow up, or just break a little?Regardless, everything is loaded and we're all set. In fact, by the time this is published we should be well on our way.

I've gotten a few emails asking why we're moving to Wisconsin instead of Idaho so I thought I'd blog about it. Wisconsin holds something for us that Idaho presently does not: a job. :) The Lord has opened the door through our friends there and has provided everything that we could possibly need to sustain us. We could not be more thankful for this answer to prayer, though it's a bittersweet transition for all of us due to having to be separated from family and friends that we love so dearly.

We've got two full days on the road ahead of us, so please keep us in prayer. I have a fierce phobia of being confined in a small space with 4 young, whining, tired children, so I'll need a whole lot of grace. I've come up with a few ideas to try to make this trip a pleasant experience, but one little migraine could shoot them down, stomp on their lightbulby heads, and crush them into a fine powder. The kind of powder that can waft into the nostrils of small children, making them sneeze violently, thus waking the over-tired, over-stimulated, over-bloated infant, who would in turn screech out in startled discontentment, agitating even the most steady and composed nervous system of any person within a 2 mile radius.

I think you can see where I'm going with this.

On the up side, if we were going all the way to Idaho on this trip, it would be FIVE days. F-I-V-E. See how the Lord is good?

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