It seems that spring has arrived here at last, or at least I hope so! It's been sunny and in the 50's for a couple of days so Josh and I are getting our spring cleaning done. If you were to walk into our house right now, you'd think we were moving with totes everywhere, bare windows, and the general upheaval that you get when you fail to work systematically from one end of the house to the other. Throw in a couple of curious kids and it becomes a game of one step forward, two steps back. :)
For those of you who still frequent this neglected blog, I thank you! These last few weeks or maybe months, I've almost had to force myself to get the camera out. There is something crushing that comes with the realization of your utter mediocrity. Flowers and waterdrops are all very well, but at the end of the day I really want to capture people being themselves in a natural, fun, and beautiful way. In seeking for knowledge and inspiration, I've come across so many great photographers that have that illusive...
something which I would love to see in my stuff. I hope I can better arise to the challenge now that the gloom of winter has toddled off.
I wanted to write more but Emmy is waking up from her nap so I'll have to cut my break short.