Disobedient George is best read upside down apparently.
One of Joshy's favourite things to do is spit. On everything. :P
"I wiw weed you 'bout Coos Goege now, okay Tigger?"
"I an smi-ween foe you, Momma! See?"
Saturday, January 28, 2006
From a pb session this week. I was so out of it when I was there that I didn't think I'd gotten anything to work with, but I like this one.
The lovely Miss Ann.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Just a snap of Joshy and his "Momma and Daddyyyy!"
The sun decided to peek out just as it was going down this evening. What is it about those warm rays that lift the spirit and put a smile on your face?
Monday, January 23, 2006
Emmy of Arabia
See the teeth?
Friday, January 20, 2006
Joshy lives in that costume.
Bob the Builder is some serious entertainment.
Guess who I got to babysit this morning. :D
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Not a great photo, but I thought it was cute how she was carefully brushing her toes.
Just a couple more towel ones. :) He actually sat still for once.
I can't believe how old he's getting.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Look way up my nose! bwaaahahahaha!
"Pick me up?"
There was a little girl who had no little curls...
I have to stack pillows in front of her as a barricade or she makes a beeline for me. :)