Saturday, January 02, 2010


"O", originally uploaded by iamaprice(Amanda).

He is quite the conversationalist to those select few that he deems worthy of his notice and a scowling grump to the rest. Most of what he says is enthusiastic babble but a few words are sneaking through.

He says:

"Dais-see!" - when calling Ann's beagle Daisy

"Jossy" - for Joshy

"Bean" -for Emmy (I don't know why)

"ADDIE!!" - for Addie (emphasis his)

"Mom, Mommy, Mama, Dada, Daddy, DAAAAD"

"MomMom" - for his Grandma P

"Mama" - for Papa

"Pees" - for please

"I-I-I ha foo? Pees I ha foo?" - When he's hungry

"Bruss tee?" - when he wants to brush his teeth

"Pees I ha mmmmmm?" - if the food looks like desert or one of his favorites

"Danj-ee" - for his cousin's dog Ranger

"No!" ***cling*** - When I tell him I have to step out for a date with Daddy

Sound of a squealing piglet - for vexation of any kind

Sound of air raid siren - for indignation or acute pain

"Where Dais-see go? Dais-see come. Come Dais-see." - When Daisy is gone with Ann to Jen's.

Other curious facts:

He is very very kissy to his select few chosen ones. At least I'm one of them.

He cannot go 30 seconds without finding a piece of fuzz and eating it. He's not particular, he'll give me a hug just so he can pull a little snack off of the back of my sweater. He also likes to pull fuzzy hats out of the hat/glove bin. They are portable snacks, you see. :)

He is a runner. That walking stuff is for sissies. Incidentally, yes, I am very busy. Thank you for caring.

He dearly loves to pull out Addie's hair. At first I think he just wanted to eat it, but now it's a fun game. Poor girl is sporting something akin to a brother-induced mullet these days.

He loves "Blanket Time". That makes two of us.

He is an early riser. If he sleeps past 6:30 I check to make sure he's still alive.

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