Monday, May 19, 2008

Not much to report

I'll be 39 weeks tomorrow so the baby could come any time now. The nightly contractions have been wearing me out to the point that I don't feel very social. A secluded cave sounds really good. A cave full of Brach's caramels like we used to get when we were kids. Licorice. Caramel and coconut. The white minty ones. Mmm.

They don't have them down here. It's a sad country.

I'll let you know if anything happens. I've been reading a fair bit about circumcision since we know we're having a boy. We didn't have an ultrasound with Joshy and I confess, the subject didn't really cross my mind until we were asked at the hospital what we wanted to do. I could hear him screaming from my room. I don't ever want to put my baby through something like that again unless it's medically necessary. I won't be loading this post down with links, but I encourage you to do your homework if you are (or could be) expecting a little boy.

The kids are waking up. Ta ta.

P.S. Kathryn, thanks for the starfall link. My kids absolutely love it so I only let them "play" it as a treat. I'm crafty like that. ;)


  1. A note on circumcision: it isn't covered by most insurance plans--ours classified it as a "cosmetic surgery." Worth the $600? Stil not sure. Darren wanted to have it done for Deeder so we did. The doctor said that Deeder slept through the whole thing, which took five minutes tops.

    Goodluck with your last bit of preggo life! I'm so hoping that I'll blow soon, totally ready to be done.

  2. Me too. I hope you have a good delivery!

    They must have used anesthetic for Deeder. I don't think they did for Joshy. Or perhaps it didn't take. Regardless, considering how much a paper cut hurts even hours after it initially happened, I would be inclined to think that the baby still feels a good measure of pain having had a hunk of skin cut off. And for what?

    It's certainly an emotional issue and I don't want you to think that I'm up on my high horse looking down in scorn at every parent I know that circumcises their boys. I just can't see myself ever willingly putting another baby through it when it would appear to have no real medical benefit.

  3. We chose not to circumcise our boys. At first Chuck was a bit skeptical of not doing it...doesn't everyone? Once we researched it, he was happy to skip it. We never even had the conversation after our first son. So rest assured, your baby has plenty of cousins who "look like him" :)

  4. *My* doctor told me that Matthew was crying because he was being restrained... but I am not sure if I buy it. I do know that nerve endings are not as sensitive (generally speaking) in newborns... but I also know that I am in the same boat (should we ever need to make that decision again.) Personally, I am secretly (well not anymore) hoping that our quiver is full. I know my plate sure is! :) We opted not to have Luke circumcised because he would have needed to be put to sleep (due to the fact that he isn't quite symmetrical.) I wasn't willing to go *that* far. Matthew's cut bled much more than I remembered. I think I will have to appeal to Clay if we ever are in that boat again.

  5. "I do know that nerve endings are not as sensitive (generally speaking) in newborns..."

    Dee Dee, could you point me to evidence for this assertion?


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