Wednesday, October 29, 2008

In case you've ever wondered...

what boy-made machine gun sounds effects look like freeze-framed. ;)


, originally uploaded by iamaprice(Amanda).

Joshy went hog wild and pig crazy over Zach's tractor. Hard to imagine, I know.

, originally uploaded by iamaprice(Amanda).

This is from a couple of weeks ago. Most of the leaves are gone already and it's turning cold out.

See how patient?

See how patient?, originally uploaded by iamaprice(Amanda).

Meet Copper (aka. world's most patient dog)

Our friends here in WI have a couple of wonderful old retrievers. My kids love them to bits.

5 months

5 months, originally uploaded by iamaprice(Amanda).

My Mr. Chumpawumpkins.

Just popping in to let you all know that things are going well here in Wisconsin. I've been so swamped with getting settled in, homeschooling, and the day to day Mom/household stuff that I've hardly had my camera out and I'm waaaay behind with emails. If you've written, please bear with me!

sooc - cropped

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